Epic Games come to Bristol

On Tuesday the 13th we hosted the Bristol Unreal Developers meetup, with the event being officially sponsored by Epic Games themselves. The event was incredibly well received and we’ve had some really lovely feedback from attendees. Stay tuned for the next event, scheduled for sometime in October/November.

Note: Copied from the Unreal Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/unrealdevs/events/287833764/.

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Join us on the evening of Tuesday the 13th of September for an evening of presentations, networking and more - all sponsored by none other than Epic Games themselves. We’re also very fortunate to have Aaran Langmead (Tech Artist & Evangelist at Epic Games) joining us in person to deliver a keynote speech about the exciting future of the Unreal Engine. Epic’s generosity doesn’t stop there - they will also be providing free food, drink and swag for all to enjoy. It’s going to be a very exciting evening and we’re really looking forward to seeing you all there.

Please note: We’re limiting this event to a maximum of 75 people, so please ensure you RSVP if you are planning on attending. If you RSVP and find yourself unable to attend at a later date, please update your response so that others can come to your place. Depending on the level of interest we may be able to increase the maximum number of people but this is NOT GUARANTEED. As per our previous events this year, the venue will be the recently refurbished Generator Building next to St Philips Bridge, which is located at: Generator Building, Finzels Reach, Counterslip, Bristol BS1 6BX. This event is being organized in collaboration with the Bristol Games Hub.


Unreal Meetup: Brewmaster Post-Mortem


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